Our Portfolio of Dental Care Services

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...to an effectively Bloodless, Stitchless Implant procedure with minimum invasion to soft tissues!

Learn More about IRIS-100

Our Procedures That Make You Smile

Cut-Free, Bloodless Implants

The IRIS-100 machine is designed as a real-time imaging system enabling extrachion and implants without having to make an incision to the gums or soft tissues. This means a more comfortable experience for Dr. Prthe's patients along with an even shorter healing period during recovery phase. Dental implants are perhaps the most successful advancement of modern dentistry which enables the actual replacement for the roots of a tooth. The technique follows the concept of a tooth and its roots where a dental implant is secured in the jawbone and then surgically secured which also ensures that it is not visible. The implant actually secures crowns, the bridgework or dentures. They are made of titanium, which is lightweight, strong and biocompatible, which means that it is not rejected by the body. Dental implants have the highest success rate of any implanted surgical device.

Veneers / Laminates

This procedure is a quick and popular procedure for a cosmetic dental makeover.

Dental veneers or laminates are paper thin custom-made shells. These shells are moulded in such a way that they fit and cover the front of the teeth. Being bright white they make the teeth look glossy and clean. Made of ceramic or composite resins, the ceramic veneers which are also called as Indirect veneers are durable and can be applied in about 2-3 sittings. The composite veneers called Direct veneers however require just a single sitting.

Veener application requires minimal or no preparation of the teeth and is basically a painless and minimally invasive dental procedure. With excellent material and bonding properties the veneers look and function like natural teeth and are long lasting too.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a procedure generally performed to correct a gummy smile in cases where the teeth are covered with excess gum tissue. The procedure is also used to improve gum tissue health or in some cases to prepare the mouth for cosmetic procedures. Crown lengthening helps expose more natural tooth by reshaping the bone and gum tissue. The procedure can be carried out on a single or multiple teeth.

The procedure may be recommended in cases of periodontal disease or where teeth are broken beneath the gum line. It is also followed in cases to remove excess gum tissue to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the smile. The procedure also facilitates placing of dental crowns by creating more space between the supporting jawbone and dental crown. This prevents the new crown from damaging gum tissues and bone once it is in place.

Recontouring of teeth

Tooth reshaping or contouring are termed as cosmetic dentistry procedures that involve making subtle changes to certain select teeth. Sometimes there are imperfections like overlapping teeth, crooked teeth, chipped teeth and even pointed and sharp edged teeth. All these issues can be resolved through a professional tooth reshaping and contouring.

Tooth recontouring is performed with the aid of a combination of modern dental instruments and abrasion techniques. It is advisable to have a set of Dental X-rays taken before the procedure. To eliminate or minimize imperfections a sanding instrument is used on the surface of the teeth. Sandpaper-like strips are also used to contour the sides of the teeth after which the the teeth are smoothed and polished.

Composite restorations and build ups

Dental composite resins are synthetic resins used in dentistry as restorative materials. Direct dental composites are widely used in procedures involving filling cavities, tiny gaps between teeth or during reshaping of teeth. These composites are placed by the dentist at the clinic itself and the polymer can be cured with a hand held curing light.

Indirect composites which have to be cured outside the mouth are also available. These are created with the help of computerized systems (CAD/CAM dentistry) and are generally used for crowns, bridges, inlays, veneers etc.

For dental build up crowns or bridges are manufactured using indirect dental composites. These are then applied in multiple layers and positioned on specially prepared areas on the metal frame. These areas can have small retention beads that will hold the aesthetic material in place.

Diastema closure

Diastema is a very common esthetic issue involving unnaturally large spaces between the front teeth. There are different treatments available for the same and it involves a combination of restoration, orthodontics, prosthodontics, surgery. Normally Orthodontic procedures are recommended to close diastema and a clear thermoplastic retainer helps close the midline diastema in a shorter time. Alternatively closure can be done using composites, ceramic caps or porcelain veneers.

Full Ceramic Crowns

These are cosmetic crowns made purely from ceramics in contrast to other types of crowns such as porcelain fused to a metal or a gold crown. What makes them so dental friendly is that, the crowns are made from a translucent material which is very attractive and at the same time blends very well with the look of the rest of your teeth. All ceramic dental crowns are now a days composed entirely of porcelain or an engineered compound.

Their 100% ceramic construction allows them to altogether avoid some problems that must be managed when other types of crowns are used. Some of the fabrication techniques used to make these crowns can produce results that are amazingly lifelike and unmatched by any other type of restoration. The types of ceramics used to make them are typically no more abrasive than dental enamel itself. Importantly these crowns can be fitted and cemented in a single sitting.

Teeth Whitening

With time and age most of our teeth get discolored. This may also happen due to dietary habits which include the consumption of teeth staining substances like tea, coffee, chewing tobacco, drinking sweetened carbonated beverages and more. Teeth whitening is a common procedure used to remedy this. Using mild bleaching agents to lighten discolorations is a popular procedure this can done in the clinic or home with the proper guidance. Another advanced whitening system is a combination of advanced technology and sophisticated design that uses LED curing light for achieving superior teeth whitening.

Tooth Jewellery

Tooth jewellery is a modern trend where tooth gems are attached to the front of a healthy tooth visible during a smile with composite resin cement. The gems add that extra sparkle and wow factor to a smile. A gem can be bonded onto a tooth without any pain or the fear of drilling or further infection. As easy they are to attach they are equally easy to remove or debond. The gems also do not interfere with oral hygiene maintenance but care has to be taken to ensure that hard brushing, eating sticky and hard foods is to be avoided.


Boost your confidence by realigning your teeth to get that perfect smile.
The different options that you have are :

  • Metal
  • Ceramic
  • Lingual braces

Cosmetic Dentistry and Smile Designing

A smile is an important asset of one’s personality. A beautiful smile makes a person feel confident and raises self- esteem. The same cannot be said for a person who is not so comfortable smiling because of a variety of dental issues like stained teeth, uneven or overlapping teeth, missing teeth, gaps between teeth or unpleasant gums.

However, all these issues can be easily addressed using the advances of modern cosmetic dentistry to make a person’s smile more attractive and that too in the safest and most comfortable way.

Redesigning a smile is a procedure that involves using multi-disciplinary dentistry techniques like endodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics. These techniques, enables us to change the appearance of a smile by altering the shape, shade and/or position of the teeth by using a material called composite and porcelain.

Root Canal Treatment

When ever there is severe decay in the tooth , we do a procedure called as a Root Canal Treatment where the entire tooth is cleaned and an inert filling material is placed within the tooth .After the Root Canal is completed a crown is placed on top of the tooth to ensure that the tooth is able to withstand masticatory forces.

Treatment of Gum Disease and supporting structutres

Teeth are attached to the underlying bone by a soft tissue called periodontal ligament. The masticatory forces are transmitted to the bone via this ligament. The bone is covered and protected by gums. All these structure support the tooth, hence together they are The Supporting Structures Of Teeth.

Dental Plaque is the culprit, which mainly causes gum disease. Other than that, inappropriate brushing technique,uneven masticatory forces, parafunctional habits are few more reasons which cause such problems.The correction is advised before it causes permanent damage. The diseases like bleeding gums, periodontal pockets, furcation involvements, recession of gums, periodontal abscess can be treated by,

    • Scaling and Polishing,
    • Root Planing ,
    • Currettage and by
    • Gingivectomy,
    • Gingivoplasty,
    • Flap Surgery

Pediatric and Preventive dental care

When ever there is severe decay in the tooth , we do a procedure called as a Root Canal Treatment where the entire tooth is cleaned and an inert filling material is placed within the tooth .After the Root Canal is completed a crown is placed on top of the tooth to ensure that the tooth is able to withstand masticatory forces.

Basic Dental Health Education and Awareness:

  • Parent Education
  • Prevention - By doing
  • Fluoride treatment
  • Pit and fissure sealants

Treatments offered: In special cases we use conscious sedation

  • Pulpotomy
  • Pulpectomy

Minor Surgeries

  • Extractions
  • Alveoloplasty
  • Flap surgeries
  • Gingivectomy/Gingivoplasty
  • Frenectomy
  • Biopsy
  • Operculectomies

Replacement of missing teeth

There are various functions teeth have to perform which includes chewing, cutting, speech. They also make one look pleasant. Once lost, these functions should not be compromised. Loss of teeth can be complete or partial. Complete loss of teeth is considered for full mouth rehabilitation, whereas partial loss of teeth causes drifting of opposite tooth, unnatural spacing among adjacent teeth which further invites problems like diseases of gums & underlying supporting bone & inter-proximal decay. To avoid such uninvited trouble, replacement of missing teeth becomes must.

The replacement can be

  • Fixed: which includes,
    • implants
    • bridges
  • Removable : which includes,
    • Valplast dentures
    • Cast partial dentures
    • fibre acrylic dentures or Lucitone

Infection Control

We follow international protocols for infection control keeping in mind the safety of our patients and our team.

We use sterilization procedures that completely eliminate the chance of infection from dental instruments to patients.

We have a separate room for sterilization where the instruments undergo up to four different stages of cleaning and sterilization procedures including – chemical, Ultrasonic and autoclaving procedures.

The instruments are finally sealed in specially designed individual pouches. The entire operatory is also disinfected between appointments.

Dr. Medha Pethe's Dental Makeover Center

Because a Beautiful Smile can Change a Life


Dr. Medha Pethe is today counted amongst the top few Smile Design Specialists in India. With years of practice, plus her in-depth understanding of dental challenges, she has enabled many individuals who have consulted her to gain back self-esteem and confidence by redesigning their smile!

Dr Pethe’s approach is a participative one, wherein the patients are taken into complete confidence and made to understand the entire process of Smile Design. This makes her patient’s more receptive and open to suggestions and helps eliminate any doubt. Moreover it also helps both the doctor and the patient to move towards a mutually acceptable SMILE GOAL more comfortably.

Using modern diagnosis methodologies, a planned treatment schedule and a highly professional execution, ultimately enables the patient to wear a brand new and confident smile! Want a Smile Design Consultation? Please Click Here.

Why Dr. Medha Pethe SMILE DESIGN

Dr Pethe uses what is perhaps the most advanced software for Smile Design Procedures.

This is called the Digital Smile System which is an advanced software that allows dentists and technicians to realize the digital project of the aesthetical and functional smile rehabilitation through simple and automatic tools. Following an intuitive and guided process dentists will be able to show to the patient the preview of the prosthetic result, giving technicians all the necessary information to realize the project.



The current practices of digital reconstruction of the smile involve the use of photo editing programs. Instead, thanks to automatic calibration instruments, the DSS is able to obtain precise measurements, and its specific tools are able to realize authentic and reliable projects.


• Auto alignment system
• Measure system in mm
• Custom calibration system
• Use of occlusal and facial pictures
• Use of lateral pictures with teleradiography
• Management of real models in image format and 3D format
• Use of natural teeth libraries, artificial or individual teeth and outlines
• Free drawing functions
• PDF project report